Hello there. Logical Path Update 7.0.0 available now. This is the largest update ever. It took about 5 days ONLY FOR to write the list of changes. Raw changelog...
Major features: Added a new chapter to theory "Arithmetic" Render optimization Improved system of profiles New format of circuits Displaying a window with repor...
Hello everybody, I've finished first processor. This is a simple 8-bit processor that we will build and learn in the game. It consists of 6000 wires and 1470 ob...
ALU, 2 registers, data bus and clock 8-bit D-type Register Control block Hi. I started build a simple CPU which we will use for our education course. Don’t wo...
Logical Path is a game where we will learn how to create a programmable computer from basic logic gates. Don't worry if you don't know anything about it. It's t...